Before the PCs set out for their field trip, they will be allowed to stock up on any amount of the supplies listed below before they set out. Once they do set out, they will need to find more supplies and resources the traditional way.
Inventory: str+(bag you carry)
Refresher on weapons:
- 1d6 damage
- 1d8 if you two handed and str is 7+
- Two handed weapons take up 2 inventory slots
- Even if a weapon does not explicitly state a function in its description below, you can probably think of a unique use. For example while there are no inherent mechanics for crushing vs bleeding wounds, I am sure that the type of weapon you choose will make crippling or hemorrhaging easier. Modifying your weapons and options may also produce differences
- Hirelings taken from your tribe will have 14 inventory slots if given a backpack
- Stone spear: 25/35/40, versatile
- Stone dagger: better for tight spaces
- Boomerang: 40/55/65, returns if you miss, curved flightpath
- Sharp rock or sharp rock tied to a handle: as handaxe
- Bow and arrow: 150/210/240, two handed
- War club/root club, wooden or bone (mammoth): may be one or two handed depending on size
- Rock sling: 80/110/130, rocks are almost anywhere
- Spear sling: 50/70/80, damage as two handed
- Macuahuitl: two handed
- Dart blower w/ darts: 25/35/40, no damage: depends on poison
- Femur bone stabbers: easy to make, also can be used as stakes
- Remorhaz jawbone kukris: can also be used as flesh hooks
- Ivory harpoon: 30/40/50, barbed, can be tied to a rope
- Net: 5/-/10, can be used to catch things
Tools and Resources:
- Stone mallet
- hammering things
- 1 slot
- Stone axe
- chopping and carving
- 1 slot
- Chisel
- useful with a mallet for carving
- 1 slot
- Flint rock
- neolithic striker
- 1 slot
- Leather backpack/sacks
- backpack +7
- sacks +4
- no slots
- Rope/twine/string
- 30 feet of rope = 1 slot
- "infinite" ball of twine/string = 1 slot
- Attachable bone hook
- can be used with poles, rope, and for any number of applications
- no slots
- Poles
- of the 10 foot variety and more
- 1 slot
- Torches
- 2 torches = 1 slot
- Waterskins
- can carry three "drinks"/doses
- 1 slot
- Grease/lard/oil
- Fermented or normal milk/Cheese or butter
- Rations
- 1 ration = 1 day of eating = 1 slot
- Mostly dry aged meats
- Blankets/furs/basic animal skins
- 1 good blanket/skin = 1 slot
- Absorbent rags
- 1 slot
- If wrapped around a stick and hung above boiling water, can be used to collect distilled drinking water
- Bag of smoothed/jagged rocks
- pebble sized, time consuming to make but can function similar to ball bearings or caltrops
- 1 slot
- Bag of spiders
- 1 slot
- Cave/ritual paint
- 1 slot for a handheld jar
- Wooden or bone stakes
- 3 stakes = 1 slot
- Pipes
- 1 slot
- Clay pots
- Containers and mixing materials
- slot depends on size
- 6 inch diameter = 1 slot
- 1 foot diameter = 3 slots
- 2 foot diameter = 7 slots
- can also be used to contain other slot filling items but cannot be carried in backpack this way; only in carts/vehicles
- Boat
- canoes
- small rowboats: 5 people each
- smaller sized longship: 20-30 people
- Goats
- fermented goat milk (alcohol), normal milk
- pure souls for sacrifice
- Pine resin/sap
- Great for sticking things together, or fire starting material
- 1 slot for a bundle
- Black smoke leaves
- When burned produces a thick black smoke that results in partial blindness up to 5 feet away and complete blindness any farther
- 1 slot of leaves can fill a 30x30 room for 10 minutes
- Woodland ghillie suit
- Blending in forested environments
- 2 slots in a bag
- Basic animal pheromone glands, dung, or blood
- Giant or normal sized feathers
- Commonly found giant feathers go up to 10 feet in length
- Shedded exo-plates of a Remorhaz
- Not mirrors, but highly reflective and durable. Interlocking plates provide temperature insulation
- 1 slot for a 1 foot x 1 foot plate, but they come in many sizes
- Therapeutic Compounds:
- 1 slot = 1 bag. For non animal compounds, 3 doses are in each bag. 1 dose for normal effect, 3 doses for extreme effect.
- Mother's Milk: Found in the bulbs of the flowers brought up by the lowlanders. Induces an extraordinary dreamlike bliss that pulls the smoker into a sleep just precipitating the border of death. Can be diluted in the caverns of the mountain to produce Mother's Kiss, a liquor that sends the mind into the Waking Dream.
- Opium. Painkiller, causes extremely deep sleep for 1~6 hours.
- Higher doses slow down the nervous system. Con save to not stop breathing.
- In diluted liquor form, your mind enters psychotropia for 1~6 hours while you are still awake. Actions and sights may layer over each other. Also acts as an alcohol.
- Fever Fire: The berries of a nearly translucent plant that can only grow up in the glaciers, where the cold carves flesh like a knife. For a few minutes, the body seizes and burns. Frostbite and rot can be driven back, but it leaves the eater shaken and exhausted.
- Drives the body into a powerful fever. Can save you against frostbite and jump starts the immune system. Con save at the end against exhaustion. 2~12 minutes.
- Higher doses overheat the body and over-activate the immune system. Con save against brain damage and con save against cytokine storming.
- Shaman Barb: A thorny vine bush found across the Broken Coast. Pricking the skin with Barb calms the nerves and tends to improve amiability. High doses paralyze the body and have been seen to drive some into madness, particularly shamans and their kin.
- Not a combat drug; would probably reduce initiative and combat rolls. Kind of acts like pot; can be used to reduce stress and improve morale, and is enjoyed during negotiations. 1~6 hours.
- Higher doses can act as a neurotoxin. Con save against full body paralysis. At ridiculous doses, wis/cha save against schizophrenia. If predisposed, schizophrenia is possible at high dose levels and offers no save at ridiculous doses.
- Salja: Made from the grounded hairy roots of tundra grass the grow near the Cloud Maker. The paste is grey and bitter. But, for a few minutes after eating, other things become addictive. The taste of other foods is easiest, then base sensations, and even behaviors.
- If unwilling, make a wis/cha save against developing addictions. High doses have basically no effect, but chronic and coordinated doses can strengthen the addiction.
- Tongue-Globber Toad in a Bag: Those who lick the toad will experience frightful swelling and great bouts of energy and strength. Unfortunately, they will also be rendered dumb and become completely unintelligible as their tongue swells up in the mouth.
- Your body swells with extra blood and your sympathetic nervous system roars into motion. Your tongue swells up, and so does your brain. +4 to physical rolls, -4 to mental rolls. You become incredibly drawn to bright colors and amphibians. 30 min~1 hour.
- Higher doses can be dangerous. Con save against hematoma. Con save against heart attack. Con save against shock.
- Blood Belly Viper in a Bag: A single bite is all it takes. The fangs are small and the teeth barely nick the skin, but it is enough. You will notice after a day or two; the wound does not heal. The blood trickles slowly over the days, then over weeks. Only the strongest survive the harrowing month, and are left crawling with skin tight hands at the maw of Mother Mountain.
- Long lasting anticoagulant. Con save against effects. Wounds will not heal normally and blood will not stop flowing out. Your blood smells noxiously and obscenely sweet to everything within a mile. Lasts 1 month.
- Higher doses will probably cause necrosis and breakdown of organs.
These are the poisons accessible to the Highlands which are setting specific, but are not necessarily the most obvious to use in general. If you are curious and think about other potential poisons to use (either to be fed to someone or covered on your blade), I'm sure you could come up with something.
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