Monday, February 7, 2022

Blood for Mother Mountain (Hex actions and schizo brainstorming)

Movement Crunch

First section of the hexcrawl, right before the Break. Besides a small number of modules and predetermined landmarks, most hexes will probably be randomly determined with different goodies inside them.

Travel in general: Most likely based on chunks of 2 hours. 12 chunks/day, with each hex action taking up a chunk. An easily traversed hex will take 1 chunk. Difficult hexes may take more time. 

Things that will probably be used for time chunks:
  • Entering Hexes
  • Rest (sleep specifically), unsure if short rests will be used with this
  • Finding food/foraging/hunting
  • Scouting
  • Raising morale
  • Miscellaneous events
Import GLOG rules for dungeon crawling and adapt them for hexcrawling? (may mean that "chunks" take up more than 2 hours. Unsure exactly how to adapt speed of travel and care of travel. More speed = less detail/high chance of getting lost/more encounters? Or maybe high speed crawls are simply not going to be the option unless the party is running away from something.
  • 1 chunk: going through a hex slowly
  • 1 chunk: Searching an entire hex
Something approximate to this is definitely possible, but I'll need to spend more time thinking about it.

Standard practice uses this idea of 3 movement points/day with the unused ones rolling over to the next day. Converting movement points to time chunks might look like: 3 movement points = max 15-18 miles covered. 2.5 or 2 miles per hour walking at a careful place in decent terrain? 

At a pace of avg 2.5 mph you can cover 20 miles in a day over 8 hours. Assuming each chunk = 2 hours = 1 movement point/5 miles over a hex. 12 points/day? 4 points to sleep without risking exhaustion, 2 to make camp? assumption of taking time to eat, also 2?

This is getting ridiculous. Time to condense this shit.
  • taking time to prepare for sleep and sleep everyday to avoid exhaustion
  • taking time to eat and rest in intervals
  • party is going at a relatively slow pace as to not be caught off guard or completely exhaust themselves if action is needed. This is NOT an exhaustive search of the hex
A Hex action lasts around 2 hours. Under the above assumptions, the party will have 6 Hex actions every day.
  • Traversing Decent terrain Hex: 1 Hex action
  • Traversing Rough terrain Hex: 3 Hex actions
  • Traversing Perilous terrain Hex: 6 Hex actions
  • Searching a terrain Hex costs the same number of Hex actions that you spent to traverse it.
  • Food finding: 1 Hex Action. Roll for number of rations gathered based on size of party and skills; alternatively determine "satiation"
  • Scouting: 1 Hex Action. Something like finding a good place to get an idea of the surrounding Hexes (or maybe more)
  • Events, combat, quests will all be tracked based on Hex action costs
If you're really desperate, I suppose you could forgo eating and sleeping and sprint through hexes. But we'll construct that bridge when we get to it.

Getting Lost will be rolled for at the start of every day. Unless certain markers can be used to triangulate position, roll on table. (Using the table from this vid)

Decent terrain                                  Rough                                 Perilous
1-clockwise 60 degrees ------------------------------------------------------->
2-counterclockwise 60 degrees------------------------------------------------>
3-on track                                         cw 120------------------------------->
4-on track                                         ccw 120------------------------------>
5-on track                                         on track                                180
6-on track                                         on track                                lose day

Encounters may also be rolled on a daily basis. Though they are currently equally as likely to be predetermined and/or based on local hexes exclusively.

The only problem is that in this game the hex map will already be formatted and given to the player (just without any major details). So, is there any point to getting lost? Probably not, so instead of getting lost I'm going to use obstacles instead. The goal here is to allow PCs three general options for dealing with the obstacle: go around, go through, or wait. 

60 degrees: 
  • a toll 
  • small river with no bridge 
  • small enemy scouting party ahead
  • large tree fallen onto the road
  • small clay deposit which would ground the boat
  • massive herd of deer blocking the path
  • wizard duel (students or hedge mages casting lame spells and scuffling in the mud)
120 degrees: 
  • rapids or a deep, deep river
  • ogre gathering of about 20
  • lake valley that only is traversable during high tide; thick mud otherwise
  • heavy-ish fog; randomly determine which forward hex PCs come out of
  • small waterfall
  • cliff face with footholds
  • village overrun by undead or a raid
  • massive herd of bison blocking the path
  • Big thing eating something ahead
  • active skirmish
  • wizard duel (also lame but this time they know one or two actual spells and usually have an entourage)
  • Heavily armored paladin who is clearly seeking someone out
180 degrees:
  • sheer cliff drop or ravine for miles
  • Infested water
  • thick fog: randomly determine which hex PCs come out of (any)
  • Orc warband on the march
  • hunting grounds of a Ridiculously Large Predator
  • In the way of troops being routed
  • Riot
  • Getting a bit too close to the territory of a hostile faction
  • wizard duel (same thing but one or more has undergone spell psychosis)
  • paladin squadron preparing for an inquisition (not actively dangerous yet but they will be soon)
  • Place where dragons/any other RLP come to seasonally mate or something
Lose Day: 
  • Combine options to make pushing onwards suicidal
  • active warzone
  • Irradiated wasteland
  • psychotic trans metallic ascendent ahead
  • Active inquisition; stumbling into them means you have seen too much

Abomination list based on the slush piles of goblinpunch and the two pass method from guccifuligincloak. Basic idea is to shotgun write a bunch of images within 5 minutes and then go over them again and shotgun down the first image you image related to the first word. After that you can revise and extrapolate.

Neolithic Tribes:
cave paint//moving tattoos
bison//wolf skins
sabretooth//hanging bodies
terror bird//tall grass
clay forms//funeral urns
paint//orcs -> uruk hai
pines//fire -> wildfire
neanderthals//extinction or prions
throwing weapons//axes
chalk//rituals -> mathematics
body paint//kill count
snow//the thing
fire//shadows -> dancing shadows
mushrooms//hannibal mushroom farm
waterfalls//sailing -> sailing down a waterfall
trepanation//corpus callosum -> homunculus
cave holes//wind -> flutes
remorhaz//black ice
frost giants//fog
buried in ice//teeth
climbing walls//shattered bodies
aurora borealis//skinner -> flayed
spirit animal//ursine -> possession
salt caves//preservation
occultum//color out of space
screaming//blood trail
sky//clouds -> nimbus clouds you can rappel on
reed people//darts
ghouls//climbing walls




Hills and Tundra

Direct from the Slush:
  • Ironic shibboleth 
  • Kidney stone weapon (take that kidney and use it like a sock full of quarters)
  • marinel or goblin variations of nikali tribes? 
  • Hunger learning
  • Vampire disease refugees living underground? 
  • Hands free nut shamans 
  • Hunting taboos, death and burial rituals, painting, manhood rituals of danger, buried, flogged, informed they would be eaten by a beast 
  • Brahman ritualistic speech impotence; enlightenment exists where words fail
  • Eye focus vision range’ chicken pecking 
  • Auditory goal focus in veins Barbarians that wear blinders all the time except when their attack? Cross eyed? Blinking resets perception of time
  • Antonia invasion into waking; alien abductions are sleep paralysis demons; sleep paralysis demons are alf aedal? 
  • Antonia drink for far range kidnapping? 
  • Lack of rem sleep: catastrophic thinking and schizophrenia 
  • Lack of SW sleep: bad motor learning and recovery 
  • Racist carrot 
  • Stealing meaning/associations 
  • Myopic barbarian tribes/women with masculinized brains’ prenatal hormone soup
  • Lucid dreaming mask: light crystal that is used as a dream anchor 
  • Non sleep deep rest skill learning, cultural ability
  • Civilization with circadian staggering. The people of night are VERY different from the people of day but those two specific cultures are symbiotic 
  • Children remain awake at night, they take care of the youngest along with the eldest
  • Ursine spiritwalkers 
  • Knife pierced down the middle of the head, severs the corpus callosum and pineal gland, wizard vision? See invisibility?
  • Co2 lake height based death
  • Slaad 
  • Leaving potential members of your groups with people that will torture them so that you can foster hatred
  • Rainforest maize sacrifice god, fertility and blood 
  • Conquered war god that is now a god of tobacco, vice, multiplicity, he exists in a thousand bodies and regularly interacts with the people of his land. Drunk since before you were born and will still be hammered when you die. Incredibly wise and powerful to an extent, but a bit of a liar and should not be taken at face value. Grandpa after a few too many drinks after midnight.
  • A powerful wizard cursed with memory loss
  • Naked mole rat people 
  • Gender swap fish people
  • Bloodskull cult tribe
  • Giant sentient bug (MIB) Human Disguises
  • A society where everything is settled in bets 
  • Society where influence is based on pure strength/number of people you’ve slept with 
  • The living goddess: occupied prepubescent girls. Significant bleeding causes the goddess to vacate the body and reincarnate. 
  • A man who everything he touches turns to sand? Drilling your own head to see homunculi? To activate your sixth sense?
  • Strong man who asks you to kill him because he suffers from a disease, never gets better, and yet cannot die
  • A series of hills which is actually just a massive coiled snake
  • Bugs with bird wings 
  • Birds with bug wings Feathers are replaced with bug wings 
  • Giant flying manta rays that suck you up and chew you to death
  • Pod people
  • FOODS: Giant centipede eggs, Parasites that live on the Mantelwray, Mealworms
  • Your lifespan as currency 
  • The body and head broken into a hundred bloody pieces. When they are pieced together, the person begins speaking again
  • People made of worm colonies
  • Fat fold “shell” to suck yourself into for warmth
  • Foot binding/bone binding
  • If you can hear it, it can see you. RUN
  • A king is putting together his dead daughter like a frankenstein
  • Help a dragon attract a mate
  • Cavern/bunker in which an old insane soldier has been living for years, eating people and simulating a family
  • Talking shrimp
  • Bee hive filling out the skull
  • Souls of ancestors stored in a dead tree husk
  • Mercenaries that are willing to be paid a shitload of money to take a shitload of drugs and help your soul fight off your Death when you die

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